Linedancercise – that’s what I call it!  If you have not tried it you should!   What is it?
Well, it’s LINE DANCING -  which is a “no partner required” dance class.  What makes my class different than other Line Dancing classes is the WAY I teach the class.  I use my background as a group fitness instructor to keep the class continuous so you burn more calories while learning the dances.  It’s so fun and something everyone can do –yes, “real men” line dance too!  It does, however, require some coordination, concentration and perseverance…but doesn’t everything in the beginning?  The class is low impact “interval” style as far as the cardiovascular workout.  People often ask me “Do you really get a workout with Line Dancing?”.  I estimate that you burn approximately 7 calories/minute (420 calories per hour) on average for the class.  This number can vary depending on how you choose to dance in the class too.  Some members like to dance with smaller moves and some get crazy and really move around the room!   For the Beginning Classes we move slower and have less complicated chorography.  This allows the beginners to learn the different dance steps and rhythms.  With the Intermediate Classes I move thru the dances faster and teach more complicated chorography assuming that these dancers have the basic moves down!  With either class you are going to be shaking, shimmying and moving that hiney!  I also offer a variety of music:  country, salsa, pop, oldies, hip/hop, funk, swing, holiday, and rock music!!  I always recommend that new members give themselves 4-6 classes just to get used to the dance terms, combinations, teaching style, and having to think while moving!  Ha!  A lot of  line dancing is about memorization and repetition.  In this class you use your body and your brain.  Once you have learned a dance it does not change.  That dance is the same every time!  I never leave a dance behind.  Even as we learn new dances I will still go back and review the ones we have done before -- especially if they are class favorites!  The most important part of the class is to come with the right attitude.  You may not get the dance perfect the first (second or third) time but you “fake it ‘till you make it”!
Have fun and keep moving!

Line Dancing With Carrie (What’s it all about?)


Instructor: Carrie McNeish

Parties, Events, Line Dance Demos &


If you’re looking for a “party starter” or just someone to get everyone up and dancing at a club meeting, wedding or work event I'm your gal!  I'm also available for private or small group lessons for dancing or pickleball! :)